It’s Feel Good Friday!


It's “Feel Good Friday” and today we're sharing three stories from our friends Spirit, Storm, and Holly. With the busy season upon us, we hope you find a moment of peace, knowing that just by being here and supporting us, you too are making a difference in our local community for those who need it most. We find so much joy in sharing these stories with you all and hope you enjoy them too!


Meet Spirit!

Spirit's mom, Anne, came to us when her beloved best friend was diagnosed with glaucoma. After multiple vet visits and treatments, they were finally able to get her eye cloudiness and pain under control and Spirit was feeling like herself again. Helping Hands was able to offer financial assistance so that Spirit could have an evaluation by a veterinary eye specialist. She will now require daily eye drops for the rest of her life to manage the glaucoma, which they believe is hereditary. Anne claimed it would break her heart if Spirit lost her vision and was extremely grateful for our support.

“You do really important work at Plymouth Helping Hands for Animals and we really appreciate you.” - Anne, Spirit’s “Mom”


Meet Storm!

Storm’s owners reached out to us when suddenly he lost the use of his back leg and was unable to stand or walk. They immediately took Storm to Plymouth Veterinary Urgent Care, where he was sedated to get the proper diagnostic x-rays, and was also prescribed anti-inflammatory and pain medications. Helping Hands was able to assist with Storm’s medical expenses for this urgent care visit. A radiologist reviewed the x-rays and determined that it was most likely a bad sprain or possibly a small ACL injury, and that Storm that would need rest and light doses of the prescribed medications.  

After a few days, we received a message from Storm’s mom:

“Storm is almost back to himself. He’s doing great! He’s also been more active going outside. I want to express my gratitude to you, I can’t even thank you enough – I really appreciate Helping Hands.”

 - Linsey, Storm’s “Mom”


Meet Holly!

Holly's mom, Sue, was struggling with daily life as cancer treatments and surgeries consumed both her time and energy. Sue contacted Helping Hands for assistance and we gladly stepped in to lend a hand. We were able to offer dog food for Holly and provide assistance with professional local dog walkers and doggie daycare  when Sue was physically unable to take Holly on her daily walks or play with her outside. 

“I met this wonderful group, Plymouth Helping Hands for Animals, at my lowest point. I count them as angels and I'm lucky to call them friends.” - Sue, Holly's “Mom”


As you can see, each story is unique. And there are so many more. We are so fortunate to be able to help pet owners and pets like Spirit, Storm, and Holly. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, donors, and community partners, we are able to provide local pet owners the support they need during their most difficult times.


Holiday Hazards For Pets


National Cat Lovers’ Month